When design speaks….


products & packaging

While building your brand, we can work together to create an eye catching packaging that is ergonomically viable and represents your brand value. Listed below are few of my designs…

3D designed spice rack stand and packaging


3D designed & printed spice stand and packaging

This is a project close to my heart. I designed the 3D modeled spice stand along with its packaging. The icing on the cake was to photograph my own product.


It has always been an ambition of mine to shoot for a magazine cover. For the time being, my pictures are on a Canva template, but hopefully, someday they will be on a real one! Universe are you listening?

Mockup courtesy: Image by xvector on Freepik.

typography & design

The world is a better place with art, design and fonts.

Mockup cpurtesy: rawpixel.com on Freepik

Print designs

Printing gives life to one’s digital art. I provide services in designing book covers, flyers, portfolios, visiting cards, postal cards and stamps. Below are few of my designs overlayed on mockup pictures.

Book Cover

Book Cover


Post card and stamp

You express and I will create.

Ads, Posters, Flyers & Roll ups

These were created as a part of student exercises. Inspired from YouTube tutorials.

Mockup courtesy: Image by Canva, rezaazmy and vector_corp on Freepik.

WEbsite designs

An important way to communicate with your customer is to provide precise information in an aesthetically pleasing way. What better way to do this than through websites? I can also help you design landing pages, which help the customer to navigate to your preferred destination. I have created websites using set templates from Squarespace, Wix and also learnt to use WordPress.


Logos are a visual representation of one’s brand. Based on the client’s interest, my style revolves around experimenting with different styles like the use of negative space, typography, symbols etc., Below are few logos that I designed as a part of the media studies for some brands.

Mockup courtesy: rawpixel.com on Freepik.


These stickers were created for a gaming event.

Mockup courtesy: rawpixel.com on Freepik.